Sunday, 29 September 2013

Fruit Tangles

Green Pumpkins

Harvest 1

Harvest 2 

Taking a Vine for a Walk


  1. A scenario after my own heart! You jest but I did actually grow my spaghetti squash through my pear (plum?) trees last year - I thought the vines would look great climbing up through the tree - and they did!!

    1. I planted one pumpkin quite close to an apple tree not intending to use it as a support and indeed it did avoid the tree. However another more distant pumpkin made a bee line for it and enjoyed displaying itself at the apple trees expense. I thought it look fun so I let it explore, they do seem to have a mind of their own.

  2. I always try to "contain" my pumpkins enthusiasm for exploring the world. I try to keep it safe from the deer, but alas--they do indeed have a mind of their own!! Hope you had a great harvest.

    1. its been quite a good pumpkin/squash year here in London, although I've lost at lot of fruits to slugs and periods of cool damp weather at least I don't have to worry about deer, well not yet anyway.
